
Independent Publishing Award Winner

My illustration for the cover of Hot Rum Cow helped win an award last week. 
Best Consumer magazine cover 2015 at the Independent Publishing Awards in London. 
I remember this job came third in a week where I got four magazine cover commissions. So rather pleased that the sleepless nights that followed ended up being award winning ones. 
Bye bye for the year. 


Pissed Modernism

2 weeks to go until Pissed Modernism. A1 posters will be on sale via the site and also during the event. Starting to get some of the Edinbrew charity labels coming through the post from the artists. I'll post more when I get them.

Here's the facebook event page as well. 


Pissed Modernism is go.

So the exhibition space is confirmed. Edinbrew are on board and the artists line-up is also confirmed. And what a sterling crew it is too.

I got such a great response from folk after posting about it on the Creative Scotland website, i'm going to be spending the next few days emailing everyone and thanking them for their proposals.

In the meantime, i'll have to make some work myself and it started earlier (see above)

For all further information on the exhibition and to see the artists who are taking part, you can go and like the event page on facebook:


All welcome.


Pissed Modernism Exhibition

I've started organising an exhibition in Edinburgh. The "Pissed Modernism" exhibition will be a group event with some super talented folk, looking at politics, society etc... anything that the artists want to comment on. We're also sponsored by local craft brewer, Edinbrew, so hence the "pissed" part of the title.

The venue, Gayfield Whitespace, has also asked if we would do some talks and/or workshops so i'm currently writing a talk on the subject of the business side of illustration, you know, the boring stuff like contracts etc... but something that is always very much overlooked during your time at Art School.

The exhibition will be on 16th October, free entry.


Nature Drawings

You know it must be Summer, as a waft of Nature illustrations are the commission of the day. Here's one i've been working on. Might be nice on a t-shirt?


Nearly Tee Time

Since it's nearly Summer, i've been doing a load more T-Shirts, most of which are available HERE
However, here's a photo of the classic Screen Printed Follow Frank t-shirt, that we took in the 5 minutes the sun came out. Ahh, Scotland.



One of my prints I have hanging in the MTV studios in Camden is Dorothy. A few more people have approached me asking to buy a print so wondering whether to do a run or not as this was a one off. 
Looks good though. 


Action Will.I.Am

I recently completed a face job of The Voice UK, Twitter and "was in a band once" Superstar, will.i.am.
After being forced to research images of him and then stare at his face for a few hours, I realised he just looked like an Action Man of himself. So I drew it...


Spot the difference

Had to make a small change with the MTV mural illustrations. See if you can spot the difference.