
Spaghetti Man

I remember as a child, my favourite book was "Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids". It has been published many times and illustrated over and over (I had the 1992 Puffin Published version).
I remember the story of The Spaghetti Man. Timothy didn't eat normal food and didn't help his mum, and she warned that The Spaghetti Man would come and take him, as well as all other disobedient children, and make them into different variations of pasta as a form of punishment.
I always remembered the description and the illustration that followed it, and it scared the crap out of me. I don't know what happened to my copy of the book, but decided to draw the Spaghetti man as I remembered him. Still scares the crap out of me!



This is a picture I was told to submit for a competition. I have to admit, it's not something that I would have chosen to promote corporate banking but it's better than my original piece that was titled "The Piggy Bank Fuckers!"
"Hold Onto Each Other"   "18x24"   Mixed Media Collage on Wood


Vince could have saved the world

I don't understand Politicians. I love the gory exchanges and in depth scandal that are postumously unarchived, but really...not content with fake Sheiks or whistle blowing websites that have received global notoriety or in fact similar instances of "constituents" having simple yet revealing conversations; the Business Secretary goes and blows off his mouth. If it weren't for his slightly slimy demeanour since agreeing to the coalition, I would feel sorry for Cable. But, noting his recent change of politics I have to admit that I don't care now. His stance against Murdoch is a wholly legitimate one, and one that would possibly have saved the world, but being in a position that requires an objective stance on things appears to have went over his head. (as has the power he has recently gained)
Tisk tisk Vince, when will politicians ever learn. 



I have made a book. A mix of photography and illustration on the fundamental elements of design. Have a look and buy if you want. 



ive been lacking....in what? everything. i have spent the entire summer decorating in between trying to sort a blog, website work and my girlfriend. the good news is that once it's done i have a lovely little studio that I plan on spending quite a bit of time in.

at the moment a bed, mop and dirt occupy my studio but with a little time, soon i'll be in.

 however, im sure there would be more done if other things hadn't taken up my time.....



helped in an exhibition for a collaboration with other students. didn't manage to go to the final showing, as with most things i'm invited to, as was doing the album cover. But seemed a real shame, they had a fantastic space for exhibition and also to utilise it's almost YBA White Cube-esque feeling, but really just asked people to send in photos and drawings and printed them out on a shit printer and blu-tac'd them to the walls. here was my piece anyway...